© 2017 Griffin Chure. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License CC-BY 4.0. All code contained herein is licensed under an MIT license
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
%matplotlib inline
In this tutorial, we will cover the basics of solving the diffusion equation determinstically and examine an interesting use of diffusion to measure the mobility of biological molecules.
As we have seen over and over again, diffusion is a central concept in our understanding of how life operates. The principles of diffusion can shed light on how molecules travel within cells and organisms, to herd migration, to changing of allele frequencies over time. In this course, we've examined the case of a one-dimensional random walk and its connection to diffusion in an earlier tutorial where we performed repeated trials of coin flips to get a picture of the probability distribution of position as a function of time.
Rather than relying on our computer to flip a seemingly infinite number of coins, we can compute the distribution deterministically using something called a chemical master equation. In this approach we consider all of the possible ways particles can move in a discretized system at very small time steps and keeping track of either the number of particles around or the probability of being at that position at a specific time.
Let's be more explicit and draw some cartoons. Let's imagine that we live in a one-dimensional world. Along this dimension, we have a string of boxes of a width $a=1$ which can either be empty or contain a particle. At any point in time, a given particle can move to either the left or right at some rate $k$, which we'll call the jump frequency, or it can stay put. A cartoon of these trajectories and their weights is shown below.
These weights can be used to formulate our master equation. We simply have to say, given the probability $p$ of a particle being at position $x$ at time $t$, what's the probability at time $t + \Delta t$ knowing the jump frequency $k$. We'll have to keep track of the movement of particles from our box of interest as well as the movement of particles from the boxes on the left and right into our box. Mathematically, this is written as
$$ p(x, t + \Delta t) = \overbrace{p(x, t)}^\text{starting probability} + \underbrace{k\Delta tp(x- a,t)}_\text{jump from left} + \underbrace{k\Delta tp(x + a, t)}_\text{jump from right} - \overbrace{2k\Delta t p(x, t)}^\text{jump to right or left}. \tag{1} $$Because we now have the superpower of scientific programming, we can write a few lines of code to integrate this equation over a period of time and keep track of all of the probabilities.
At the beginning of the course, you learned how to write a program to perform a Forward-Euler integration of a ordinary differential equation (see tutorial 2 for a reminder). We'll be performing essentially the same procedure to evaluate Eq. 1, but we have a few peculiarities of this approach that we'll have to keep in the back of our mind.
Firstly, unlike our exploration of radioactive decay, we will be integrating over time as well as over position. This means that we will have set up an array where we can store the computed probability of finding a particle in each box over a range of time points.
Secondly, we have to be wary of the boundary conditions. Since we are solving this numerically on our computers, we can't have a truly infinite number of boxes. This means that we will have to be a little careful of how we compute the probabilities at the edges. For example, if we are computing the probability in our first box, we know that the particle can only jump into the box to the right, or stay put. You can think of this box being against a wall where things can't pass through. Likewise, we have the same condition in the final box where particles can only jump to the left or stay put.
For example, let's say that we are thinking of a system with only ten boxes. Our boundary condition for the first box (box 1), would be
$$ p(x=1, t + \Delta t) = p(x=1, t) + k\Delta t p(x=2, t) - k\Delta t p(x=1, t). $$Similarly, for our final box ($x=10$), our master equation is
$$ p(x=10, t + \Delta t) = p(x=10, t) + k\Delta t p(x=9, t) - k\Delta t p(x=10, t). $$Knowing these two requirements, we can write a general function for our master equation for any number of boxes and time points.
def master_equation(prob, k, dt):
Computes the master equation for diffusion in one dimension.
prob : 2d-array
Array in which the probabiilities will be stored. This should be in
the shape of N boxes by m time points. This should have a preset initial
k : float
Jump rate of particles between boxes in units of 1/s.
dt : float
Time step for our integration. This should be in units of seconds and
should be sufficiently smaller than our jump rate for numerical stability.
prob: 2d-array
The probability vector given to the function where each element now
contains a computed probability.
# We'll first figure out the total number of boxes and the number
# of time steps we will integrate over. This will essentially be the
# shape of our prob array.
num_boxes, time_points = np.shape(prob)
# We need to integrate over each time step. Since we have the initial
# condition set, we can start at time step '2' which is 1 in Python.
for t in range(1, time_points):
# Now we will need to deal with the boundary conditions. If we are
# at box 0, we can't deal with box -1. Likewise, if we are in the
# final box, we can't deal with box +1. There are more clever
# ways we could deal with this, but for right now we can just compute
# these two cases explicity.
prob[0, t] = prob[0, t-1] + k * dt * prob[1, t-1] - k * dt * prob[0, t-1]
# Identify the index of the last box.
last_box = num_boxes - 1
prob[last_box, t] = prob[last_box, t-1] + \
k * dt * prob[last_box-1, t-1] -\
k * dt * prob[last_box, t-1]
# With the boundary conditions in place, we can now iterate over
# all other boxes and repeat this procedure.
for box in range(1, num_boxes - 1):
prob[box, t] = prob[box, t-1] + k * dt * prob[box-1, t-1] +\
k * dt * prob[box+1, t-1] -\
2 * k * dt * prob[box, t-1]
# Now we've integrated over all time steps for each box and can just
# return our array
return prob
Now that we have our function in place, let's test it out. We'll think of a very simple case in which we have a very long string of boxes which are all empty, except for one right in the middle which will have an initial probability $p(x=\text{middle},t=0) = 1.0$. You can think of this as adding a pulse of dye molecules within the cell cytoplasm or some carbon atoms in iron in the making of steel. We will expect that as time goes on, we'll watch the concentration profile broaden. We'll start by defining our parameters.
# Define the parameters.
k = 5 # Jump frequency in inverse seconds.
dt = 1 / 50 # Time step sufficiently smaller than the jump frequency.
num_boxes = 80 # The total number of boxes
time_steps = 100 # Total time of the integration in units of seconds.
Here, I've taken the liberty of setting our time step to something much smaller than our jump rate. As was discussed in the numerical integration tutorial, we have to choose very short time steps for numerical stability. It won't be very enlightening if we take a large enough time step such that a particle can bounce between three different boxes before we take stock of the probabilities!
The next component we need to define is our storage array for the probabilities and set the intial condition. We'll set it up sich that it is 80 boxes wide and we'll watch the diffusion over 100 time steps.
# Set up the probability array and set the initial condition
prob = np.zeros((num_boxes, time_steps))
# The intial condition will be a delta function in the middle of our box.
initial_position = int(num_boxes/ 2) - 1 # -1 for indexing at 0.
prob[initial_position, 0] = 1.0
Now that we have the probability array generated and the initial condition in place, let's run the actual integration!
# Execute the integration
prob = master_equation(prob, k, dt)
To visualize this, we'll look at several time points and plot a barplot. We'll set the binning as an array of the length of the number of boxes we had. To make this easier, we'll make this as a subplot with a bunch of axes so we can show everything in a single figure.
# Determine the number of time points.
time_points = [0, 1,10, 50]
# Define the array of boxes.
bins = np.arange(0, num_boxes, 1)
# Set up the figure. This will return the same number of axes as we
# have time points.
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=len(time_points), ncols=1, sharex=True, sharey=True,
figsize=(5, 6))
# Loop through the time points and make the bar plot.
for i in range(len(time_points)):
ax[i].bar(bins, prob[:, time_points[i]])
# Set a title so we know the time point and convert it to seconds.
ax[i].set_title('$t$ = %s sec' %(time_points[i] * dt))
# Add an xlabel and clean up the plot.
ax[-1].set_xlabel('box number')
# This command will automatically adjust the spacing between plots to make things
# more aesthetically pleasing.
We can see that as we defined, the entire probability at $t=0$ is located within the middle of the box. However, just one time point later, we can see that there is now non-zero probability at being to the left or right of where we started. By ten time steps, we can see that the distribution is broadening significantly. By 100 steps, the profile looks very Gaussian.
Hopefully, this wasn't too much of a surprise! Let's now turn the tables and think of a slightly more interesting case. When we wrote our function, we paid special attention to the boundary conditions. However, in the above case, we never actually reached the boundaries! Let's reduce the number of boxes while keeping all of the other parameters the same so we can see what happens when particles start bumping against the walls.
# Set the new box size and set the initial position.
num_boxes = 9
prob = np.zeros((num_boxes, time_steps))
prob[4, 0] = 1.0
# Run the integration in our new narrow box.
prob = master_equation(prob, k, dt)
# Plot some different time points
time_points = [0, 1, 10, 99] # We chose 99 as our final because of zero indexing!
bins = np.arange(0, num_boxes, 1)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=len(time_points), ncols=1, sharex=True, sharey=True,
figsize=(5, 6))
# Loop through the time points and make the bar plot
for i in range(len(time_points)):
ax[i].bar(bins, prob[:, time_points[i]])
# Set a title so we know the time point.
ax[i].set_title('$t$ = %s sec' %(time_points[i] * dt))
# Add an xlabel and clean up the plot
ax[-1].set_xlabel('box number')
plt.tight_layout() # This makes the arrangment look nicer
By the end of our integration, we can certainly see that we've "filled up the box" such that we will find a particle in any box with equal probability. For fun, try changing this starting condition such that there is a peak at one end of the box rather than in the middle!
As a final illustration of this description of diffusion, let's look a common experimental method in cell biology $-$ FRAP.
The advent of fluorescent labelling has transformed our ability to ask biological questions. As we have seen numerous times in class, we can get a sense for how molecules move, how genes are regulated, and where things are localized by hooking the various components up to fluorescent proteins.
However, fluorescent proteins are not fluorescent forever. All fluorescent molecules can undergo a process known as photobleaching where sustained excitation can lead to the permanent chemical inactivation of the fluorophore. While this is a process that is true for all fluorescent molecules, fluorescent proteins are particularly susceptible to this phenomenon.
While this can be an annoying phenomenon to correct for in your experiment, others have found ways to turn lemons into lemonade and use photobleaching as an experimental tool. A fantastic example of this use is an experimental method named Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching, or FRAP for short. This method allows us to make measurements of how mobile a particular molecular species is in a cell. This is commonly used for making mobility measurements of proteins within the cell membrane.
The general scheme of a FRAP experiment is as follows:
1). Attach a fluorescent dye or protein to your molecule of interest. If this is something like a membrane protein, you would imagine that the fluorescence of the membrane would now be relatively uniform in space if there isn't any complicated localization.
2). Illuminate a small section of your field of view with a high-power laser to photobleach all of the fluorescent molecules. All of the molecules outside of this small section will still be fluorescent, but there will now be a "hole" where there is no fluorescence.
3). Take a series of images over time and measure the rate at which the hole becomes fluorescent again. This return of fluorescence is not reactivation of the bleached molecules, however. This is due to the nearby fluorescent molecules diffusing into the hole.
An example of this can be seen below. In 2010, Nate Goehring from the Francis Crick Institute published a beautiful paper performing a detailed quantitative analysis of FRAP measurements and examined the diffusion rate of fluorescent molecules within a C. elegans cell membrane as well as the diffusion rate between the cell cytoplasm and the membrane. The authors examined multiple geometries of bleaching patterns and wrote some open source software that is meant to aid others in performing this type of rigorous experiment.
Figure 1 of this paper shows a representative FRAP experiment and the quantified fluorescence at the beginning and end of the movie.
The astute observer will realize that we can simulate this experiment by integrating Eq. 1 with a special initial condition. To set the intial condition, we'll set the probability equal across all of the boxes save for a few right in the middle which will serve as our photobleached "hole". Let's give it a shot.
# Set the box dimensions
num_boxes = 20
time_steps = 100
prob = np.zeros((num_boxes, time_steps))
# Set the initial condition. We'll leave 6 boxes in the middle empty
bleach_size = 6
prob[:,0] = 1 / (num_boxes - bleach_size)
# Set the region where we bleached equal to zero.
prob[7:13, 0] = 0
# Integrate!
prob = master_equation(prob, k, dt)
Now, let's take a look at a few different time points to see how the fluorescent molecules diffused into the hole from the adjacent boxes.
# Set up some interesting time points
time_points = [0, 1, 10, 99]
# Set the position of the boxes for plotting
bins = np.arange(0, num_boxes, 1)
# Generate the axes so we can plot each time point.
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=len(time_points), ncols=1, sharex=True, sharey=True,
figsize=(5, 6))
# Loop through the time points and make the bar plot
for i in range(len(time_points)):
ax[i].bar(bins, prob[:, time_points[i]])
# Set a title so we know the time point.
ax[i].set_title('$t$ = %s sec' %(time_points[i] * dt))
# Add an xlabel and clean up the plot
ax[-1].set_xlabel('box number')
# Adjust the arrangement so titles don't overlap with the plot.
Now we can see that the hole we bleached in our simulated membrane is filling up as molecules diffuse in from the left and right. You should also notice that the height of the bars on the extreme left and right side are decreasing. If we were to think of the height of these bars as a measure of fluorescence, this translates to a decrease in fluorescence of the nearby boxes as the hole is filled.
In this tutorial, we've learned another way to computationally explore the process of diffusion as well as an introduction to a very powerful experimental method. In this week's homework, you will adapt some of the principles learned in this tutorial to study how the Drosophila morphogen Bicoid helps set the body plan in the developing embryo.